Vector files are ideal for reproduction of logos and designs, like Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw. Other formats such as EPS are also applicable. Other formats might need conversion to appropriate formats.
If you have raster images like PNG, instead of vector files, and if they have resolution big enough to be used in printing, we can use them after checking. But please be aware that in order to reach the best quality, vector files will be better. Non-vector images which are found by search engines (google) probably will not be good enough for printing.

Please contact your logo designer to get vector version of your logo.
If there is no way to reach vector files, our designers will create your logo in vector format with an extra charge.


Kipeo can help you design your team outfit. Our designers work according to your instructions, using ready templates which can be modified, or from scratch. In our “design app” section of the website you can view and modify your own outfit.
Our digital printing system gives you a large choise in terms of colors, based on CMYK colors. Printing and storing extra papers is not necessary anymore, moreover 1 color or 8 colorprint is just the same, no extra charges per color.
After your design is finished, besides the preview, you receive a production file so that you can see the full image with position of the logos.


If your file size is less than 10 megabyte you can send it by mail as attachment. If your file is too big for sending e-mail, you can use wetransfer to send the file.


Kipeo provides a large color palette. We can provide you this palette on fabric. Keep in mind that fabric and print property have influence on the output color, so slight changes are possible.
In special circumstances we can reproduce special PMS colors.


If you want to create your own design you can use our designer tool to create your own design. Or, as second option, you can use our templates in downloads page. Please be aware that even you follow all rules in template your design may need extra modification by our designers.


You can create your own style by using our easy-to-use online designer tool without using any extra software. Just enter our website and click our design page, then, your’re ready to create what’s in your mind. Our design tool offers three options to create your style. Individual, Semi-Custom and Full-Custom. If you want to use our ready-to-use designs you can use Individual or Semi-Custom options, and if you believe you’re good at designing you can use full-custom option to create completely your own design. You can start using our designer tool by clicking here.


– Change design colors
– Add text to specified areas
– Add logo to specified areas


– Create your design by using our geometric shape pool.
– Add text and logo wherever you want.